About This Game The Flower Shop: Winter In Fairbrook is a dating and farming simulation game and takes place after the first Flower Shop game, Summer In Fairbrook.Play as Natalie this time, and meet some of the characters of the first game like Clara, Susana, Steve, Trent, Jacob plus a "new entry": Ryan, who runs the general store of the town.Natalie has barely survived her first semester in college, and all she wants is a break. However, her parents insist that she start acting like a responsible adult and get a job during her school's winter break.In no time at all, Natalie's roommate sets her up with a job, and she's shipped off to the town of Fairbrook for a mundane job in a flower shop. What's a poor, tired student to do?You can plan your weeks and who you spend time with using the weekly scheduler. Customize each week, spend time with who you like, or ignore everyone and work all day. Don't forget to take a break once in a while, or your health will suffer.Take control of Natalie as she spends winter in Fairbrook raising flowers, making friends, and maybe even finding love!FEATURESMix between dating sim with farming sim gameplayRaise your flowers and sell them at the marketPlan how you spend your time with the weekly schedulerRelationship system: each character has a relationship value that affects gameplayHigh replayability: normal and special ending for a total of 9 different endings! 7aa9394dea Title: Flower Shop: Winter In FairbrookGenre: Adventure, Casual, SimulationDeveloper:Winter WolvesPublisher:Winter WolvesRelease Date: 23 Nov, 2011 Flower Shop: Winter In Fairbrook Download Now the flower shop winter in fairbrook walkthrough. flower shop winter in fairbrook. the flower shop winter in fairbrook download. the flower shop winter in fairbrook. flower shop winter in fairbrook walkthrough. the flower shop winter in fairbrook скачать. the flower shop winter in fairbrook apk. игра the flower shop winter in fairbrook. the flower shop 2 winter in fairbrook. the flower shop winter in fairbrook free full download. the flower shop winter in fairbrook free download. the flower shop winter in fairbrook скачать на русском полная версия Change or be unworthy of love. Perhaps a bit harsh, but that appears to be the message of this game. You are Natalie, a lazy college student who gets a job in a flowershop because her parents want her to get a job somewhere.You arive, meet the eccentric locals, including four potential love interests. Each has two stats he likes, you must work hard to level up those stats in order to unlock their romance ending. Several of these guys will make a point of informing you (DURING your romance scene at the end) about how pleased they are you're nolonger some lazy spoilt brat, but a decent person they don't mind loving. While Steve in the previous game did have a character arc of personal growth, none of his love interests were cruel enough to point out they wouldn't have looked twice at him without it. Like Summer in Fairbrook, this is basically farmvill meets dating sim. You grow flowers, you sell flowers, you get to know and try to date guys. It sadly renders 'Summer's ending moot, as when you meet Steve here he's single (so he evidently failed to romance anyone last time) but the advantage is you could date him now if you like. The 'crisis' point midway through lacked much of the personal urgency of the one in the previous game, or perhaps that's becaues I'm not all that invested in Susanna's safety. In summary, I did enjoy this game, but it is very flawed.. A charming read. Plenty of screenshots to be snapped. The art style is so cute along with the boys to choose from. I fell for Ryan my first play through. (that wasnt alone ending) Catch it while it goes on sale. Its a good buy.. The fact that all boys' stories are relatively interconnected and you need to interract with at least some of them to get the required stats for the one you are going for means that you will have seen all of their dialogues multiple times by the time you are through with all branches of the story. That is, unlike well-thought out otome, where you do not get to know other characters when you are going for one - or where their dialogue changes depending on which branch of the story you are on, here the entire dialogues remain the same save for the endings. This makes for a pretty boring experience, which is unfortunate, because this is a cute little game. I only recommend you get this if you find it at a great sales price, otherwise I do not see it as value for what you get. Once you have seen it once, it becomes not only repetitive, but it is also short (ignore my playtime, I idled a lot with this game).. I was able to play through the entire game in about an hour, the only choices are ones that lead to either an increase in a particular character's opinion of you or a decrease. There is only one event that happens in the whole game. You can spend your time working gardening, but there's no point, since there is literally nothing to buy except for more seeds. I bought it on sale, and I am still hugely dissapointed. VERY short game, (it literally took me a little over an hour to complete) not a fan of the story-lines either. Honestly, this game wasn't even worth what I paid for it, and I certainly wouldn't reccommend buying it. - The characters weren't bad, and I did actually enjoy learning about them, however little the game actually promotes their individual personalities. - The visual representations of the characters were poorly drawn however. Especially when compared to the backgrounds, as the game runs like a story. While the backgrounds were also somewhat poorly drawn, it seemed as though there was a lot more attention paid to detail when compared to the characters.- Also, sadly, the conversation flow just wasn't there. Everything seemed terribly forced, and hardly romantic. Not to mention that the main character that you play is a whiny putz (and frankly I wouldn't use any of the lines they put forth for her). As I didn't play the first game, and this is a sequel of sorts - I have nothing to compare it to other than other dating sims\/games in general, so forgive the mostly Con related viewpoint of the review in that aspect. As weird as it is, I'm a big fan of dating sims and would love to try as many as possible. This game just didn't cut it for me. Luckily, I bought it when it was on sale, so if you're still wanting to try it after all that - then at least buy it on sale.. I found all the characters really boring, including the main character is extremely shallow and lazy, not someone I wish to play as the protagonist. She is also rude and very selfish. I don't understand why she is so strange looking compared to some of the other females in the game which are pretty and feminine. And also the males look like 12 year old boys, act also like little boys and not men and don't feel comfortable trying to romance any of them due to this really young look and personality. Felt like this game was made for little kids and not young adults, also the mini games didn't get you anywhere, money made didn't provide anything either to do so felt like I was grinding for nothing and couldn't really get anywhere in the game.. Much like Summer in Fairbrook, I bought this game on sale, and yet still find it difficult to recommend to anyone, other than those firmly commited to the genre.And much like it's predecessor, Winter in Fairbrook leaves much to be desired.To say the game is bad would be like saying a small piece of chocolate cake is bad (assuming that you enjoy chocolate cake). It's still cake, it's still good, but it is grossly unsatisfying.The writing leaves much to be desired. Very much like Steve in the previous game, Natalie is a vapid, ignorant, immature, petulant, and lazy girl, who is instructed by her parents to find a job over the holidays, in the hopes of teaching her some discipline (They had already cancelled her cellphone due to bad grades, and are now threatening to take her new car away). Luckily, her room-mate just happens to be Clara from the previous game, and she sets Natalie up with Susana to work in the flower shop. Natalie must leave first thing in the morning to arrive in Fairbrook to start work the next day, but instead of packing and sleeping, she spends all night playing online games. That is our first introduction to this character, and I must say, it did not leave me wanting to spend the entire winter break with her.When she arrives in Fairbrook she thinks it's a small, dull town, and rightly so. She sleeps the day away, and then proceeds very rudely reject the dinner that was cooked for her (and continues to do so for a few weeks) and sleep in until 11 am the next day, even after being woken up by Susana at 8 am... after doing the only task asked of her, she then wanders off to check out the general store, thinking to herself that she "wasn't told [she] needed to come right back.... once again, I am left wondering why I should care about this spoiled wretch.She improves as time goes on, of course, but I still never really cared for her at all. The choices that you get to make in the game are fairly limited. Just like it's predecessor, you start your day working in your garden. You then get to do one activity for the whole day, be it going to the store, the library, or just staying in.. there were around 5 options if I recall correctly. Every so often you would get a cut scene with one of the bachelors, and you would get to make a single choice in the entire discussion, and the rest of it was merely her awkward verbal diarrhea.As for the bachelors... well.... what can I say...Steve is still Steve, if you've played the previous game then you already know everything there is to know about him. He's slightly less lazy than before, but otherwise he's pretty much just a male version of Natalie (or she a female version of him).Jacob is sweet, charming, helpful, and shy.. oh, and he's SEVENTEEN!!! Yes, you read that right.. one of this College girl's potential mates is still in Highschool...... yeah. Add to that the fact that she thinks he looks like a twelve year old, and you've got a real winner.Trent is still trent. He's sweet, charming, attractive, and playful. Oh, and in love with someone else... just like, well, pretty much all the guys really.And Ryan, well, there's nothing that I can say about him that wouldn't sound completely biased, but I'll try. To say he's adorkable would not be giving him enough credit, though he does resemble that at times. He's intellegent, well-spoken, hard-working, reliable, cultured, and a bit of a virtuoso.... I mean, is there anything he isn't? He's also the only guy who isn't already mostly spoken for, so that's another plus for him... the only problem is, in reality, there is no way he would go for someone like Natalie... and quite frankly, most of the time it seemed like he hated her, or at the very least found her highly irritating.The good:- Art work is relatively cute- Writing is decent- Gardening mini-game is amusing- The bachelors are charmingThe bad:- The music is repetitive, and though not inharently bad, certainly grates on you after a time.- The writing is lacking in quite a few places- The gardening mini-game is much more out of place in this incarnation than in the previous title.TL;DRThis game is not really worth your time or money, even on sale. It's decent, and if you really like the genre then I won't think any less of you for buying it.Just keep in mind that even though it says I've got 12 hours played, about 80% of that was spent leaving the game open for Trading Cards. I think it took me roughly 2 hours to get 3 of the endings.. This visual novel is a sequel of sorts to Summer in Fairbrook. Like that game, you end up in Fairbrook to... learn responsibility. This time, though, you are pursuing the boys. Trent, Jacob, and Steve return from the previous game (which I guess assumes Steve didn't win any of the girl's hearts), and a new guy, Ryan shows up (more or less to be the voice of reason in the game). Some of the features of the prior game have also been streamlined.There are nine endings. One for ending up alone, and two for each hero. A normal ending and a special ending. The only difference between the two is that one you have $400 in your wallet at the end of the game for the specials.It is a nice game for those who like the type (Winter Wolves doesn't disappoint).. The graphics are great and the characthers were not boring. I liked the gardening system to earn money. This one is different as in that you have to get stats from two of the guys to get with one of them. I don't understand why the special ending has to do with money but whatever floats the maker's boats. It was enjoyable.
Flower Shop: Winter In Fairbrook Download Now